jam with chrome

JAM with Chrome is an interactive web application that allows friends in different locations to play music together in real time through their Chrome browser, using the latest HTML5 technologies. You can choose from one of 19 instruments and up to 4 peopl

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  • JAM with Chrome is an interactive web application that allows friends in different locatio...
    JAM with Chrome by Google - Chrome Experiments
  • Play music live with your friends online
    JAM with Chrome - Chrome Web Store
  • If you ever dreamed of playing in a band, now’s your chance to be a rock star. JAM with Ch...
    Google Chrome Blog: JAM with Chrome: Play music live with ...
  • Play music live with your friends online! Try JAM now: http://jamwithchrome.com. An intera...
    JAM with Chrome - YouTube
  • 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
    Jam with chrome - Chrome Web Browser
  • 最近GOOGLE團隊做出了一個很酷的線上虛擬樂器APP Jam with Chrome 可以選擇各種樂器在電腦上演奏並找朋友一起在線上合奏 當然裡面也內建了好幾種電、木吉他的效果 ...
    JAM with Chrome 線上合奏各式樂器 – 吉他好朋友
  • If you ever dreamed of playing in a band, now’s your chance to be a rock star. JAM with Ch...
    JAM with Chrome: Play music live with your friends online
  • Do other browsers like Firefox, Safari, Explorer has the same problem? Check sound mixer o...
    jam with chrome no sound - Google Product Forums
  • 剛剛看到一個由 Google Chrome 團隊所推出的新服務 JAM with Chrome,主要功能就是可以讓我們不用安裝軟體、直接在網路瀏覽器上彈奏各種樂器,包括木吉他、古典...
    JAM with Chrome 遠端虛擬樂團!透過網路跟朋友一起敲鑼打鼓、組 ...
  • 大家可都曾有過音樂夢??每次在台下看到表演者賣力的演奏,那種羨慕的眼神我也有過這種感覺,這次Google Chrome推出JAM with Chrome線上音樂遊戲,讓大家都能一飽...
    [音樂]JAM with Chrome 線上LIVE樂團遊戲‧一飽音樂人夢想吧~Rock ...